Saturday, June 3, 2006

You made it!

I just did my last post on my old journal.

I've pasted it below for nostalgic purposes.
I'm moving...not to a different country, but to a different webhost. I've served four years at my current host and its technologies have not improved much, but its prices have stayed the same. That's a formula for breakup.

That's not all I'm moving. I'm moving my journal from this crappy code to Wordpress. When I first started this journal four years ago, my intention was that this would be a practice ground for me. I got a lot of practice from school and work so development on this playground was minimal. Further, what I was intending to practice was already developed. I've found other things to spend my time on.

I've migrated all of my (our) journal entries to the site already, but I have not updated its default presentation. It's kinda crazy looking back at all of the entries. Looking back is actually possible! There were also about 500 different usernames. You can find the new journal here:

Of course the design is not there and neither is the domain. That will change over the next few weeks.

So this is the last post here...sniff..sniff...I smell crap.

Wordpress is good so far. It's flexible and easy to maintain.

Today I'm going to "A Canadian Universities alumni reception". It's a reception for alumni working in the Pacific Northwest. You need to register for this event and did so weeks ago. Unfortunately, I did figure out if anyone I know registered, so this might be a flying solo event for me. Regardless, it should be interesting.

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