Saturday, March 1, 2003


Last Friday( 28th ), either a random act of stupidity, or direct disrespect occurred. After 2AM, 2 of my cars were EGGED. There were other cars around mine, but only mine got it. So it seems suspicious, It does not make me mad. I just want to know who it was.

If it wasn't a random act of stupidity, then chances are it was directed at me.Hmmm, there are not many people that have beef with me. As far as I know, I can count them on half a hand, Whoever it was, we washed the cars the next morning ( they were due for one anyways). Also, it was a pretty decent egg-chuck. It was obviously whipped at the driver side doors. I haven't checked if they did it again. Who knows,

If it was a direct disrespect, just tell me so I can properly whip your ass( joking, depending on who it was ). We, here, have some possible suspects, but no way are we going to investigate. We'll just hear it through the grapevine.

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