Tuesday, December 13, 2005


I have three projects lined up for the start of 2006. One project will be bringing OUCH to Seattle. For those that don't know, OUCH is a hip hop dance competition for universities that I started in Waterloo (of course I didn't do it alone, I had UW Hip Hop's help). My target date for the competition is late March.

Another project that I'm looking to do is open up a foundation for the homeless in Seattle. I have a particular idea to raise money for the homeless, but I'll keep that a secret until I execute.

A third project will be a joint venture with Trinity Graphics. I have always wanted to be part of a graphics/printing business and I want to see what kind of cool stuff we can come up with.

My main project since moving to Seattle was, "project work". I know the name sounds complicated, but all it means is that I wanted to focus on work and establish myself as an engineer that belongs (yeah they call us engineers). I've hit most of my goals on my current project, so I'm looking forward to doing better at work and also execute on the aforementioned projects.

Oh yeah, my fourth project is to decipher the message below ("Me The Best Spiker")

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