Thursday, May 25, 2006

vacation update

There were 15 people in our house from the whirlwind called Melissa's wedding. If you haven't noticed, pictures from the wedding can be found in the gallery. The event was a success. I'm a wedding vet. My eldest sister, Eileen, was married just 10 months ago. Hard work and smart planning always makes these events run smoothly. When you have 13 girls in the house, you know there's going to be a mad panic in the morning. Ceremony went well, so did the pictures after the ceremony. Here are a few of my favourite pictures.

Jason's cousin Tyrone has a really tall girlfriend. I have an average sized one. This is what it looks like when you put them together.

This is a cute picture of my new brother-in-law and my cousin.

This is another nice shot of my sister wearing her husband's coat.

Dylan likes this picture because Charlene (on the far right) looks like a giant because she's jumping high. My cousins think that I look like I'm levitating.

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