Tuesday, October 1, 2002

raptors have training camp in waterloo

Isn't that a bonus? They are all here right now. You know I always wanted a Yogi Stewart jersey. Seriously. Maybe they have one lying around somewhere.

In other news, we are doing another competition in a month or so. The date has not yet been set, but the competition will be run by 'In tha dot', aka those at 410-WORD. That should be fun.

We are also doing a Christmas show Dec 15th.

I recently joined the Waterloo hip hop club here. I will be performing sometime. I still have to attend a uw breaker thing. We'll see how that goes.

and so on...
Chaos and Fractals Assignment due monday
Comp Sci Midterm next thursday
Comp Sci Assignment due next friday
Digital Circuits Lab due next week
learn how to sleep
and the list goes on

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