Saturday, June 18, 2005

long week

I haven't posted in over a week and I'm sorry for that. It's been a fairly busy week for me. I celebrated my seven year anniversary with Dy on Tuesday the 14th, I graduated, and I performed for spotlight.

Dy and I are a simple couple, so we celebrated by just spending some QT and we also picked up her mom from the airport.

Convocation/Graduation was pretty good. I wouldn't mind not going but it does bring some closure to my five years here. The speeches were good. The basic message was to live a life of impact. Honorary degrees were presented which gave a chance to bewilder the general audience with mathematical complexity like "solving combinartorial structures with linear inequalities". I was one of the first to get called, so that was a bonus. While on stage, I engaged in a longer than usual conversation with the gentlemen conferring me. After I got my degree, my parents and Dy left the audience. That was a good idea since there were still 400 names to be called. Naturally I fell asleep a few times and my dad caught me. We went to a reception at St. Jerome's after, then it was time to head back to toronto for the show.

I was already fairly exhausted from waking up at 5:30AM, going to Waterloo, convocation, then heading back to Toronto. Since I was feeling tired, I decided to pick up the Red Bull energy drink. I never tried it before, so I hoped it would help give me some kick. It turned out that it didn't, but it tasted pretty good.

There were two Spotlight shows. I missed the earlier show, but I heard the theatre was barely half full of parents and the energy was low. I guess that's expected for a matinee show. The evening show was very different. There was a buzz from the beginning.

Terry and Geoff were the producers of the show and they did amazingly. They form a unique and talented production team. Terry's attention to detail and on the spot choreography coupled with Geoff's forte in music and Unreal/5e-based creativity yielded a stellar show.

My stamp on the show were the videos and two b-boy scenes. My whole idea behind my choreography for this show was to be simple and basic yet effective. Most of the show's dance choreography is fairly complex and intricate. I can do complex and intricate, but I don't think it would add much to the show. The change of pace reduces physical monotony. Another thing I wanted to add was more solo based dancing. It's always fun to just go out there and do whatever without worrying about synching with a group.

Speaking of which, I was disappointed with my solo performances for the second b-boy scene. I was just off. You win some, you lose some I guess.

One thing I was very proud of, however, was the first B-Boy scene. We based the scene in 1985, did some old school moves, and recreated the famous battle from the movie, "Beat Street", while the movie was playing in the background. This scene earned the loudest response of the night and we all had fun with it.

Although the show is over, it's not really over for me. I'm producing the DVD which you can purchase too!

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