Tuesday, September 3, 2002

4th is better than it sounds

When I tell people we came fourth, they look at me like it sucks. It really doesn't. We beat all the solo and group dancers, some of the solo and group vocalists. Also, these were the finals, there were four rounds of competition and these finalists are all really wicked. I couldn't believe we beat most of them, and we did it with none of our crowd there. Another thing is that the three that did beat us were in the finals four times each. this is our first time. We are also the only act that hasn't had any formal training within a school. We did the whole thing by ourselves. So we do have something to be proud of. I guess 4th out of 150+ ain't bad.

Anyways, I added some pictures from that day. These pictures are from a real camera, not a video camera. All of them are in the media section.

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