Monday, September 9, 2002

New video and what a summer

I put up a video that many of you may have seen. It's funny how our minds work. Check out the Media section.

Yeah it was quite a summer. It was one of the better summers in a while. Performing at Revival Night club (which reminds me to post videos of that), going to Niagara Falls for the weekend, performing at the Civic Center as a special guest, going camping at Cape Croker, wisdom teeth, cousings from cali, Rising star, the wack fashion show, our adventures for Mark's birthday (what do you do when the birthday boy passes out on the roof of a school?) Looking back at my other summers, it's easy to see how things have changed, but regardless, things are good.

I am looking forward this term and I hope to succeed. I am taking Linear Programming, Digital Circuits, Chaos and Fractals, Graph Theory and Public Speaking. Should be fun.

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