Sunday, September 1, 2002

We're number four

The three competitors that beat us were opera singers, and very good ones (in
order:Lisa Da Maria, Darrell Hicks, and Elliot Madore and Chrisie Menzo (duet)) . We did not bring our A game yesterday, but it was acceptable. As for
me, I was a too much energy, much less control...kinda like the first round. Here's
a video clip of the top three.
These people are really good.

We did, however, beat some other very excellent talent (their videos will be up
later). At dress rehearsal, I was thinking, damn, we aren't gonna win anything.
We did, $250 is better than nothing. The experience was incredible. A lot of fun
hanging out with all the contestants, chilling in the bandshell backstage and
dressing room, and of course performing in front of 2000+ people and being fourth
place out of 150+ is not bad. We're not american idols, but whatever.

We actually put this show together 3 weeks ago, and we've produced pretty solid results. Thanks to GOD for giving us the strength and perseverance to do this. Thanks to Geoff and Glen for working hard. Thanks to our constant supporters : Mom, Dad, Eileen, Melissa, Dylan, Aileen, Mike Cueva, Jovi and import flavour, and the reyes family.

As for the rest of you who mildly supported us, thanks too. Our support was very disappointing and it taught us an important lesson. Any goals and aspirations cannot be fulfilled by relying on others. We put together our best show ever in a very short time. This show was clearly steps and bounds above from last year's gimmick filled show, and 2000's sloppy dancing with decent vocal acrobatics. We had no crowd, we had to earn their respect. In the finals, we had to go after last year's grand champions (guest appearance). We worked for everything and earned every clap, cheer, and compliment. That's what I'm most proud of.

So where's our video? You'll see it in a few weeks...too bad you didn't see it
recently. In the meantime, I'll eventually put up some videos from other contestants
and our Jazz show earlier this summer.

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