Saturday, January 4, 2003

back in the 'loo

I hope everyone had a fun, safe, and relaxing holidays. I had one of my better holidays. It was relaxing, I got to chill with fam and friends. I'm satisfied with it.

So I moved back into the same place where I lived in the fall. I rearranged the place a bit to optimize my work space. My dad and I were cleaning and organizing for about four hours.

Here are a few of my New Year's Resolutions. So if you see me stray, discipline me by slapping yourself in the face.

  • Floss everyday

  • No swearing

  • Be less selfish

  • Get in the best shape of my life

  • Be a better Christian

  • Savour the moment, don't think/say "I can't wait till..."

  • Sleep before 12AM as much as possible (I haven't done that in years)

That's my list I can release to the public. Hope you all keep yours. Lithium.

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