Tuesday, February 11, 2003


Joe Wong's got his own blog up and running. It's pretty cool. Check out www.regularxpression.com.

What course are you taking Ray? I'm taking a Distance Ed course and the midterm doesn't count for any marks. It's for self-evaluation purposes only.

I saw the stage for Cultural Caravan as I came into my Student Council meeting on Sunday.

The day before that I was in Guelph for a Post-WYD retreat. It was ok. Not many people turned out which was disappointing, but not too surprising. It's in Guelph after all. This doesn't mean the Church has failed us youth. It means that the organizers for this event didn't market it properly. The organizers were Critical Mass. It was a series of concerts and talks. Fr. William Slattery, LC gave an awesome talk about us taking leadership in the world and engaging in the culture wars. The man is awesome. He's 10x scarier than Zinger though much younger. He was also ordained by the Pope himself, which is way cool. I will have pictures from this up on my site soon. I gotta get off my ass and update my own site. I've been so busy working on other people's sites that I haven't bothered with my own.

I gotta plan my weekend. On Saturday I'm going with some of my roomates to the Auto-show. On Sunday I plan to check out a big sale at Long & McQuaide. Maybe I'll get my own keyboard instead of borrowing other people's things. Anybody got any ideas for anti-Valentine's day?

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