Saturday, February 1, 2003

Stupid things I do

So I'm driving back home from Waterloo and I am 40 minutes into the trek (about half way). Then something pops into my head, the Roots concert. AHHHHHHHH, I forgot my ticket! There goes my new year's resolutions, I'm swearing like crazy. I exit, make a phone call, then do the inevitable: turn around and drive back.

I'm a serious dumb ass sometimes. I am liable to do at least one really dumb thing each year. At about the same time last year, I locked myself out of my room. I knew I didn't have my keys, and I still locked and closed my door. I've done some stupid things over the years, and many of them I wish not to discuss here.

The Roots Concert
Dope, but no Rahzel. You get more than what you pay for from the roots. At times during the concert, I just closed my eyes and was just vibin to the music.

ROOTS HILIGHT: Scratch is a badman _PERIOD_ , but it would have been better with Rahzel
NON ROOTS HILIGHT: As I was going to take a leak, I saw a really drunk girl lose balance and try to catch herself by leaning on a door. The door was slightly open so she fell through and rolled into the room.
POST ROOTS LOLIGHT: Waiting in drive thru line at McDonalds and asking for 4 separate orders.
POST ROOTS HILIGHT: eating the mcdonalds

Some Simple Pleasures

  • Listening to the whole raptor's game on the radio when driving

  • Blowing my nose in the shower. I hate blowing my nose on a dry tissue. It just doesn't feel right

  • Being comfortable enough with people to fart in front of them

This was a good weekend. The little time I got to spend time with Dy was good. Thanks Dy. A small happy birthday goes out to my boy, TEO. Deuce-Deuce.

My sister, Melissa, got into a snowmobile accident on tuesday. She crashed into a pole and flew backwards onto some train tracks, and the 500 pound snow mobile fell on her. Somehow, she managed to push it off her like clarkette kent. Luckily, she got away with only a few bumps and bruises. Her jaw is a bit swollen and it looks like when I got my wisdom teeth pulled out (those pictures are somewhere on this site). She's fine and that's the good news.

My parents were cool this weekend too. They never hesitate to help me out. I really appreciate them. What can I say, I'm blessed.

I think this entry is the longest of all time. I can't believe you read this far!

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