Sunday, May 18, 2003

I spotted the light

What a long weekend...worthy of a fairly long journal entry.

Arrive back in T.O at 4pm. Chill, eat, homework until 8pm for practice. Krazy bones is supposed to meet us, but does not show up. After a short practice, Geoff and I consider hitting Pearl Lounge where the 5th Element DJs are spinning, but we conclude that we are a bit tired to do that. I go home and decide to flip on my Distance education tapes. After an hour of doing this, I find myself getting hypnotized by the professor on the tape. At that moment, my phone rings. Dylan asks me to pick her up from Pearl Lounge because she is not having a good time there. Apparently, it was a full moon, and horny-drunk men came out to play. I pick her up at around 1:30am and I drop her off. I went inside to catch the sacramento-dallas highlights and we both fell asleep. I woke up around 4am, and went home to finish off my sleep.

Wake up at around 10:30am, eat, did some reading and good old homework, watch american idol which my sisters taped for me. Next thing I know, it's rehearsal time: 4:30 at the studio. Krazy bones is there, Geoff is there...this is our second practice together. Practice time doesn't really matter. Krazy Bones is nasty. For those of you who don't know him, you'll see a video soon. We run through, change stuff, and practice fairly hard until 7:45pm.
Matrix Time. Leen, Teo, Dy, and I head to Eglington Square to catch the 9:50. Long ass lineup to get in the theatre. Teo and I have a plan to get up to the front. It doesn't matter though. We're idiots and ended up at the end of the line. It didn't matter too much, we got the seats we wanted. Don't worry, I won't spoil it for those who haven't seen it. My roommates here seem not to like it, or they thought it was OK. They're idiots too. j/k. Well this is what I have to say. Some people expect the sequel to mirror the cleverness of the first. Those people were disappointed. I think it's unreasonable for the second part of a trilogy to be the same as the first one. Instead, it's a development of the first part. Anyways, it was good and I definitely recommend it. Movie finishes, chill a bit, arrive home irresponsibly at 3am.

That's irresponsible, because I have to at The Toronto Centre for Performing arts at 8am. So I'm 30 minutes late. The place is smaller than expected, but pretty nice none the less. Tech rehearsal, 10:30am: Krazy bones not here. Geoff and I run through twice and it looks dumb. We make adjustments. lunch time: pizza pizza, krazy bones not here. 10 minutes before showtime(2:50), krazy bones not here. It's time for a substitution: Kevin. We tell him his cues, and he plays the role of Krazy bones. The organizers switch around the programme, and the audience thinks that 5th Element is not performing anymore. SUPRISE!

We do a fairly good job. Kevin achieves official "Baud man" status. Everyone seemed to enjoy it, we go backstage and everyone congradulates us for pulling it off. whew.we pray and thank God (we did that before we went on too)

Thanks to my Cindy and her sis, Goose, Dy, my fam, Goose, and Catherine for coming to watch. They all enjoyed the whole show. All the other acts were generally good. There were some lowlights and some highlights. It was overall a great show. Geoff and I catch an Iced Capp with my parents, and then some chinese food c/o the same people who brought us pizza. The chinese food gave me gas that lasted to the morning.mmmm.

Krazy Bones shows up. He also sings, and is in a competition. Apparently, the organizers would not let him compete in the finals unless he did a promo shoot that day. He was stuck in a terrible situation and that's why he didn't make it. We all understood totally.

Kevin backed us up, so we put him in the show with Krazy bones. So there were four of us. We made some stuff up 10 minutes before the show, and went with it. It was a good show. There were some mess ups, but all good.

Some notables:

  • Kevin's other routine(jump off) is nutz

  • Krazy Bones made it up to us by killing his solo

  • Terry and Flo are leaving...

  • We capped the night off at Midnight Oil with all of VYBE and Czar,Karla, and Trina

  • This will be my last 5th Element show until at least August because I need to focus on school

So here I am tired. I will post all the media as it comes along.

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