Monday, June 23, 2003

Canadian Idol is Bastos

For those of you who watched Canadian Idol, I am sure you share in my disssappointment with the talent that showed up in Canada. I'm definitely ashamed except for one person in all of Canada. This dude was in my chem class in high school. I'd always tell him to shut up because he was always signing in class. I thought he sounded like a "really good karaoke singer".

Last night, Mikey Bustos (in Raymond's terms) kicked n' ripped. He kicked it, then he ripped it. That was some nasty stuff on Canadian Idol last night. He was THE BEST one so far. I'm not being biased. Lawrence is 1/2 of Mikey's vocal-piano duet (duet sounds fruity, but you know what I mean). Although Lawrence ain't a musical idiot, I didn't totally believe him when he said Mikey (I never called him "mikey", only bustos and bastos) would put out like that. He's improved so much since the last time I heard him. He might even achieve offishal baud mon status. Good luck to him and everyone should vote for him if he makes it to the top 30.

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