Saturday, November 22, 2003

i'm a loser baby

So why don't ya ... me

Interesting weekend. One positive thing that I can take from this weekend was that I was operating at near peak effeciency. I got a lot of work done.

On the other end of the shtick was today. After doing a decent amount of work, I flip on the raptor game and do work simultaneously. Raps get smoked. I do more work after the game. The positive: maybe that crazy trade might happen afterall.

Then I rush to my A-level vball playoff game. We win the first set. Then we have 3 match points in the second set, but eventually lose. Damn it. Ah well. Positive things from that: I played acceptably, more time for homework next week.

After that, I have a practice for hip hop. We run through for an hour or so then we perform for the Accounting Students association. Yes, I know, sounds massively geeky. We enter, and they're doing a date auction. I witness this chick pull in $50 from this dude. Whoa man.

I don't have a good vybe about this thing. Not a lot of people and it's in MC! Ah well. We get start and it's mad quiet and people are starring right into your grill. Ah man awkward. When will it end?

Positives: more not much positives

You know I think I write code 12-16 hours a day. That's insane err I'm insane err I will be insane.

oo ooo oo there's a bit more...i did a quick and cheesy promo for the event on friday

Also some pics from our performance at Loose change louie's here

So I know what you're thinking? Ray, you just do hip hop now? NO! 5th element has some shows coming up (friday) and 2 fridays after that.

[end memory dump]

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