Saturday, December 20, 2003

happy birthday dad!

I haven't been here in a while.

It was my dad's birthday on the 20th. We celebrated it by watching LOTR. Serious butt cramps. Apparently, some obese girl in front of me threw up during the movie. My sister told me after.

It was a good movie though. DOn't worry I won't ruin it for anyone.

We went the "Body Shots Christmas Party". It was a party organized by the organizers of those famous filipino pageants. It's not as gay as you would think it would be. My mom's best buddy, Uncle Pete, was one of the main organizers. It was fairly entertaining. The Mendoza's almost cleaned up that night. My mom was a finalist in Musical Chairs. She entertained everyone with her dance moves.

We also got the best gift in Evil Santa. We also won the raffle for the biggest door prize worth more than $100. It was my $5 that won the prize, but my sister Melissa bought the tickets. She's the luckiest person I know.

I performed this morning with Geoff and Glen. We did that Christmas party we did last year. Except it was in a different venue with much more people. Video will be posted soon.

I haven't even seen Dy since I came back. That can't be good. I'll put that on high prio.

till next time.

also note that I do not work at RIM anymore. So for those of you who still email me there, I won't get it.

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