Friday, December 12, 2003

I brought it here

It's a different world in Toronto. At least it was.

As I was walking outside to Mel's Diner for lunch yesterday in Waterloo, the ground was covered in 5 inches of snow. I was walking ahead of the group in the sidewalk. All of a sudden, I step into a foot deep hole!!!

What is hole doing in the side walk? Of course I didn't see it because it was covered in snow. Half of one of my legs was covered in snow. Geez.

I told my dad, he told me a story about my mom. My mom was walking with her friend along a road. They were talking, then all of a sudden, my mom's friend disappeared. She was scared and it was late and dark. It turned out that my mom's friend fell into a man hole(sewer)! The cap was off.

She was ok tho.

anyways, happy christmas shopping!

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