Wednesday, May 19, 2004

smallville season finale

I didn't see it yet, don't tell about it. I did order the second season on DVD from Amazon.

Perhaps I could be a seller for amazon. I could recommend purchases from this one would buy probably...we're all cheap asses


We've got TV..well sorta. We've got the old style tv with no remote and you only have 13 channels. Oddly enough, we have BET.

// Digidesign
Digidesign is company i have been following for many years now. They're technlogy astounds me. Whenever they have tours in my city I go to them. I went to one last night at the Experience Music Project. It's this crazy shaped building besides CN Tower's poor little brother Seattlites call the Space needle. It's a cool building and I will look more into it later...

I get lost everywhere I go. That's how we were when we're in Europe. Good thing Amazon gives us a free bus pass or I'd be very poor.

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