Wednesday, November 17, 2004


re: night crawler..

Hey ... i've been a little busy the past few days. The reason I stayed up for 41 hours was because I had a big assignment due for my Real-Time Programming course. For those of you unfamiliar with it, it's probably waterloo's most famous course. In this course, we build our own kernel (the heart of an operating system), and create applications that controls and monitors a train set. It's trickier than it sounds....

I don't know how I stayed up that long. No pills, no drugs obviously. I did have a large Iced Cap from timmy's though.

hey dan, i have no idea what you are talking about.

re: Hello.

I do have some videos, but i just can't find the time much less the energy to edit and upload them...

Di2...honestly, i haven't looked into removing spyware. I don't install shady programs. If some do pop up, i just go to add/remove programs...or i look in the registry...

i wouldn't worry so much about the spyware..unless you are doing something evil...

i'll look into it though..

Did i mention firefox is the shzz?

rumours of a blockbuster deal involving vince carter, jalen rose, for some portland crap. Although, Vince crapped out on the last road trip, that trade is not worth it.

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