Monday, November 28, 2005

Re: Recent Competition

Meanie! =(

For the record, we all put forth great efforts toward originality, variety, and difficulty. I think that's what we had that other groups didn't. Except for a couple key moves (for crowd familiarity purposes), the rest was indeed authentic. I honestly think that UW was the most original team out there. I think many people thought so too. But hey, you don't have to agree with the majority.

Hmm, I really don't see how we could have biased the judges. It's not like we met them before. We all believed we were viewed as the underdogs this year. Winning was a huge and pleasant surprise. I'm sorry you didn't enjoy the show.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Hey Ray, we all wanted to make you proud! As soon as we heard the announcement, we knew we had to tell you ASAP! This one goes out to you, man! We sure do miss you!

PS. Any input for next year?

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