Sunday, January 29, 2006

Amazon Post Holiday Party

Instead of going to Superskillz in toronto, I went to my company's post holiday party. You see, Christmas is a busy time for Amazon. We sold over 110 million items over the holiday season and there are a lot of systems that need to be kept up. That's why we celebrate after Christmas is over.

This year's theme was Vegas. They had a bunch of gambling tables which included black jack, 5 card stud, craps, and some others. They even had a wedding chapel where 5 couples got married. I'm not sure I would want to get married at a company party...unless my only friends were people who worked with me, then it's like a free wedding.

The party was huge, there were over a thousand people there. The gambling tables were packed so I waited till it died down a bit. I doubled my "money" in twenty minutes at the blackjack table. I said "money" because they gave us fake money to use towards raffle tickets. I never win those so I won't mention the nice prizes. I had a good time. It was my first company party. It looks like the company put a lot into it.

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