Wednesday, July 16, 2003

random blabber

Some days, you think you are one of a kind, something special. Then the thought is quickly torn down.

When people realize that the shower water that goes down the drain comes right back out the shower head, they'll stop peeing.

So I hear my sister's friend is/was dating Shannon Stewart of the Blue Jays recently. He gets traded. What luck.

If relationships weren't complicated, messy, and frustrating, they wouldn't be relationships.

Eventhough I lost that Lakers' bet to Glen this year, I'm gonna bet him again next year to even it out.

There's a picture that's scaring me on this page.

Oh yeah. It's been a full year since the site has opened. I will be redesigning it over the next few weeks.

Apparently, I look like a turtle. More than 3 people have pointed it out. I will give away a Dexxa Optical mouse to the person who posts a picture of a turtle that looks most like me.

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