Wednesday, May 5, 2004

eh yo

Yes Happy bday Czar! I don't have any pictures of her at my finger tips. People are joining the Jordan club very quickly.


Thanks L for the cute seattle spin off. Perhaps it's a spin off called "Everyone loathes Raymond".


Yeah JP is pretty cute ;) Is he seeing anyone? I'm not sure, but I'll let him know that you said that.


Another fan of my friends sent me another email. I don't even need to say his name....I forwarded him your msg.

//-- In Seattle

So far so good. This week is all about work. I'm getting accustomed to the environment. Everyone at Amazon except me knows Perl. Well I do now. I'm in the Media Technology group at Amazon. We work on things such as "Search Inside The Book" (SITB). SITB is the largest digital and searchable database of books in the world. It's pretty incredible. I'll be doing some projects with that. Other things my group does is work with Rich Media such as digital audio and video. It's basically our job to come up with cool ways to work with Media. I've gotta flex my creative muscles in the job. Amazon treats employees well. So far, I think I made the right choice.

Oh I love my digi...

I'll put more pics later..

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