Sunday, June 13, 2004

6 years

It has been exactly six years today that Dy and I have been together. Our relationship is not typical. Because we are apart so much, the struggles are harder, but the successes are that much more valuable.

We are best friends. Our skills, talents, interests, and education vastly differ, but our definitions of what it takes to build a loving and nurturing relationship are identical.

We also understand that we can't do this alone. Along the way, our good friends have supported and helped us: Geoff, Glen, Aileen, Teo, Xiang, DaveW, Lawrence, BooM, Kuaz, and Sayson. Others have helped us as well, but these people have provided us with outstanding support and care. Dy and I thank you eternally.

Here is Dy with Di (Kuaz's gf) and Dy's best friend, Aileen:

Some 5th Element Girlfriends:

Dy and Leen

Chicks dig dudes with fat cheeks:

The anticipation for Communion is unbearable:

In grade nine, Dy could pout her lips and squint at the same time. I couldn't even smile and keep my eyes open.

All grown up now (the day before I left for Seattle):

All there's left to say is that I love you Dy!

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