Saturday, September 25, 2004

birthday weekend

As you know, it was Dy's birthday on Friday. It was also J-Ro's birthday yesterday. They're adjacent birthdays meaning partying a little too much....

The beauty...

The beauty and the beast in her backyard before a small gathering.

BooM's sister, Rookie, and Dylan. Rookie is too cute and smart. She skipped a grade.

Opening gifts...My friends like snowboarding, so they started Dy off...

Who eats popcorn with a spoon and sprite? Glen does!

J-ro gets his cake too! There's Geoff in the background eyeing that cake.

I like taking pics with Dy's bestfriend, Leen. She makes me feel tall! She's sporting her nice tan from her Tropical trip to Dominican.

Di2, Dy, and Leen...5th element girlfriends

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