Wednesday, September 15, 2004

no filter

It's a nice suggestion, but I'm not down with censorship. I intentionally created this site as public domain.

In the ideal case, my friends and whoever would come here and post some news about themselves. Perhaps I should set something up where friends can upload pics and other files so they can share them. That would be cool and that would motivate me to actually finish this site.

Thanks Di for that entertaining post. For those of you who don't know, Di is not my Dy. She's one of my good friend's girlfriends. Consequently, she's very good friends with my girlfriend. It just works out that way.

One thing I forgot to mention about Hip Hop class yesterday was that I forgot the steps as I was teaching it. I did this with 2 bars to go so I did what Delta G suggested...make it up on the spot...

So vince officially wants a trade . I say let him go. I still like him, but our team sucks. There's no point in wasting VC's career also...Trade him to Miami. The Shaq-VC combo should be interesting.

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