Sunday, October 24, 2004

Critical Mass

Ray I'll get you a CD when I return to campus. Unfortunately I joined the band after the CD booklets were already printed so my name is nowhere to be found. It will be there for the second printing, but I don't know the timeline for that.

Just to let you know what we've been up to, we just played at church as well as at a retreat in Oakville for lots of Grade 8 kids. The faith community at that church is strong and energetic so the audience was really good. Next on our agenda is a small show in Milton and then a full-scale concert in London in December and right after that we're going to be filming a music video. The concept behind it is really cool. A little sixth-sense-y as well.

You're right. Performing in front of hundreds of people is a really cool thing, provided they're into it. Nothing worse than a dead audience. Thankfully we've been blessed in general with really good fans.

Too bad I missed you last weekend when I was in Waterloo. I'll catch you later.

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