Thursday, October 21, 2004

i think i love this shit

so i can't believe people still argue in forums like this. WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU? they fuckin dance. what the fuck are you a virtual dance judge? is that what you do? sit at your dad's computer and search for videos. and when you find something wrong with them you make comments? w/o any credentials or even a real identity. like honestly? who has time to do that? who MAKES time to do that? i mean, fuck, are you at dad's computer LOLing to yourself all day cause you think you're clever and annoying the shit outta people you don't even know? "hahahha, are you gay? ahahha, hey you can't dance, you're not flexible." you're gonna say "you must think itz funny cause you took the time to read all of them." i only needed to read one to catch a vibe, and besides i'm not going to come back every hour to see how you reacted. i feel like i'm flattering you just by taking the time to even address your existence. you're lucky i type fast, have a shitload to say, and hate internet shitheads. aight buddy. go read a book and don't try to respond by dissing me. cause for one: you don't know a thing about me. and two: nobody knows how wack i am better than i do.

sorry ray, i had to.

whassup ray. thanks for posting those rhymes. hahahha. i couldn't stop listening to the YOMOSTOFUS one. the other one is very disposable. and wtf are BLOGS? can i make a career out of them? tell me how? cause i need one.

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