Sunday, October 17, 2004

Re: Shocked!

Regular visitors of my site know that there have been a lot of these one line posts about Brent like Swallows. For example, "I'm sexy for brent" or "i like brent's nuts" or "who's better looking...brent or ray?"...or "Brent is gay"

I really don't care for these posts and neither do many visitors. I've received lots of complaints about these and these complaints are totally warranted.

Swallow, everyone has a boiling point. I'm sorry you had to get electronically slapped for your first offense, but I hope you can understand my frustration.

Perhaps if you posted something like:
Ray, this site is boring. You are a computer scientist with a bit of hip hop and b-boy in you, but how exciting can that get? Perhaps you could pursue a career like Brent's. I'm sure there's a model school for the ugly!

That post would still tweak me the wrong way, but I'd appreciate the thought you put into it.

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