Friday, November 5, 2004

bilbo Baggins and "Di2.. assumptions???"

well who in the world said im askin it from you.. try to think bout it... haha.. im just answerin what anon thinks i am.. yes indeed i wanna prove something.. that he should freak his way out of my life.. thanks for the Lunny comment.. and one more thing.. i never planned to stalk him...=)
di2.. i understand this is ray's site.. but please.. for heaven's sake.. our posts are not's a petty thing.. so please step out of it... and i never knew there was an online translator.. maybe that's what ur doin when ur posting sumthing..translating ur vernacular tagalog to english... i'm taking french lessons for two years.. probably it's a wrong idea to post something like that.. im sorry.. but it's also a wrong comment on ur side...=)

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