Tuesday, November 2, 2004

re: lots of stuff

Hey Triciretops, yeah I agree the pictures aren't of the best quality. I'm not a great photographer. but uhh...in most cases their skin is brown...hehe..dark filipinos...

Yeah Jungle Boy, it's hard to understand your intentions...that's all...no offense

there's been a lot of bashing and crap here lately

Re: Strut Factor

there's tons of pictures of check and knight here...none of the others.

hey ...

thanks. i don't think anyone has called this site cute before. By the way, that's one of my favourite pictures because to me, it looks kinda like a movie.

who's Triple Twist? It's unlikely I'll get an answer. Most people like to remain anon.

You might have noticed that I put some more pictures up. BooM left for Whistler yesterday and we had a little party at his house and at Joe Mama's. It's sad to see him go, but I know he'll find what he's looking for there.

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