Tuesday, March 29, 2005


There was an event called "Blackout" today which was held at the Student Life Center in Waterloo. It's called "Blackout" because they blocked out all of the natural light and setup a big stage with concert type lighting.

This event also marked the end of my UW Hip Hop career. I've been running the club for about 2 years now so I'm ready to close that chapter of my life. It was fun and it was probably the biggest crowd the club has ever performed in front of.

Team Ryouko was the main event. Their high flying stunts and showmanship proved that they earned the headline.

That is my first cousin down in one of the previous posts. I haven't seen her in a really long time. It's glad she contacted me. It's nice to hear from family you haven't seen in a while.
It's also interesting what people do with these pictures.

OK back to work....

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