Sunday, March 6, 2005


The last bad one I had was msblast. I got it while on the university's residence network. It's the one that automatically distributes itself and restarts your computer, among other things.
I didn't sleep much last night (less than one hour). It was mostly due to my hectic school schedule over the past month. In the past three weeks, I've had four midterms and 3 assignments due. Today, my ray tracer for my graphics project was due. I didn't have as much time to work on it because there were other higher priority things to do. Basically, I tried to do a three week project in a weekend. I didn't get it all, but I did OK. I think it's time to sleep.
The rest of the term, however, should not be so crazy. Today I decided to take a break and not do any homework. Lawrence, Waterloo's new VP Internal, hooked up some tickets to watch Russell Pieters at our on campus club, Fed Hall.

There was a rumour that a UW hip hop member was supposed to open for him, but that didn't happen. In any case, Russell was joined by two other of his tour mates: George Funk and Jay Knight. Highlights from each:
  • Funk: he showed us his growing belly and why he had to get rid of his pager
  • Jay: He did an imitation of those Indian dances on TV (you know you watch them) wearing African gear
  • Russell: this guy's a polished vet who interacts well with the crowd. He was a bit under the weather which led to some uncomfortable pauses. He made my cheeks hurt though

    • Anyways, time to sleep. Thanks again for the others who have put their input on their computer security issues.

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