Thursday, March 24, 2005

good friday

Hi all,

sorry it's been a week since my last entry. I've been feeling under the weather and tired. I feel much better now though and I only have four more days of classes left in my undergraduate career.

I'm home in Toronto and I'm glad to be back. I had such a good night sleep. There's really nothing like your own bed.

As you know, today is good friday. It's the holiest weekend of the year. Every year, I realize how petty my problems are and how embarassingly human I am. I wish I could change more, but you know what geeks say, "The spirit is willing, but the flesh is inertial".

I've also been working on my graphics project. Dy said she had no idea what I was talking about on my previous graphics post. So I'll try to be more clear.

For example I've implemented motion blur. You've probably seen an effect like that in Photoshop or something. The general motion blur problem is pretty difficult. There are a lot of factors to consider, but Ray tracing makes the problem generally simple. You basically take snapshots of a scene at different time intervals and average out the results. Below is an example.

I wish I could show better examples, but that's next week's task.

Another graphics related thing is antialiasing. You've probably heard the word somewhere. Antialiasing removes aliasing. Great, thanks Ray. Aliasing means to "masquerade as". For example, an aliased image has many guesses on what it should look like. Therefore, it looks choppy and unclear. An antialiased image is more smart about how an image should look. It does this by paying more attention to detail. Here's an example. The first one is highly aliased, the second one is antialiased

OK that's enough graphics for today. I'm going to bed.

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