Saturday, March 5, 2005

MediaPass- A Nasty Bugger!!

hey you guys...sorry to see that some of you, like myself, have come upon this nasty nasty varmant. it is not easy to get rid takes over everything including MSConfig. it magically kept rechecking the box for the mediapass startup entry every single time i'd uncheck it. BASTARDS! wanted to let y'all know to look for another "side-kick" file that was created at the same time as the mediapass files on my computer. it...i believe...was titled "salm.exe" and it was located in my C:/Temp folder. as another poster said, i found the mediapass files in C:/Program Files/MediaPass. there were three files in that folder...MediaPass.exe, MediaPassX.exe and *.dll. i'm sorry, i can't remember the name of the dll. if you think you've gotten rid of mediapass but you're still experiencing system drain problems...check to see if the bugger has reinstalled itself again. also check for the "salm.exe" program...i hope i'm remembering that file name correctly. if you know what day/date that MediaPass.exe was created/ an explorer search using that criteria and see what other stuff was created/modified around the time of MediaPass's "takeover". babble babble babble...sorry i'm rambling on here. i sincerely hope this information helps someone with this nasty. if any of y'all have plans to pursue these guys somehow...give me a shout. i'd be more than happy to help see that these buggers get their "due". most sincerely...tst

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