Sunday, May 8, 2005

Filipinos get bad rap in Toronto parish

After mass yesterday (May 9) at a church in Missisaga, Toronto, the priest said something like 'there are people protesting outside, they are knights of columnbus, and they just look stupid... please do not support them. It sounded very crude coming from a priest. On the way out I asked another person 'what was that all about'... the reply was: "in the last 5 years he has destroyed this parish. he drove away the knights [of columbus], the choir, st. vincent the paul. he has been spending parish money left and right because he says he is jesus christ in this parish. is this typical of filipino priests? worse than imelda marcos, i'd say." Needless to say, as a Filipino [from New York], I was quite embarassed. Can anyone tell me what's going on there?

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