Thursday, December 12, 2002

Coming home this weekend

I have an exam tomorrow from 9-12. After that, I head home to Toronto. The show is on Sunday and we're thinking of doing that tribute show we were talking about in the summer (Since we have more time to perform).

Yesterday, I wrote my Digital Circuit Design Final. It was a 23 page monster. You had to work really hard for a 4 mark question. I wouldn't say that it was a hard exam, it was long. It was supposed to be a 3 hour exam, but really it was written as a 4 hour exam. I remember about half way through, my brain got toasted because I was writing and thinking so much. My brain was so toasted I forgot how to read. So I stopped and did nothing for 2 minutes and then the trauma wore off and I began my frenzy. I finished the exam, but I didn't have time to check it over properly. To me, that's not finishing it.

I also went to confession last night with Lawrence...

I'm enjoying the few moments I'm not studying or writing exams or doing my project.

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