Friday, December 27, 2002

What I did on my bday

I have the worst hangover today. Too many drinks and drugs. The toilet is not my friend, he does not like me anymore. And my arm is still sore from my new tattoo.

If only all of that was true

I didn't want to do much on my birthday,
and that's what I did. You find out a lot about the people around you during your birthday. You should not, however, make a final judgement on people if they call you or not. When people can remember and call/contact me on my birthday, it means a lot.

I found out a lot about one particular person yesterday. What I found out is not good. This person has been in and out of my life and just talking to this person yesterday made me realize that I should not have much to do with him/her anymore.

On the other hand, thanks to everyone who said happy bday to me. I really appreciate it. Here are some random thoughts:

  • Dy was a sweetie yesterday.

  • Kuaz is my bro no matter how much we don't chill.

  • Glen and Geoff are fam

  • Lawrence is my favourite Crusty Catholic roommate, dave and joe are my favourite Dirty Protestant roommates

  • Bernice is the only person I haven't met before and wished me happy birthday

  • JRO and Teo are my favourite boys who are shorter than me

  • Brent, you hold the title of blooper of the year, set this morning at around 2AM

  • Rich, where's your sister?

  • Mike, you better enjoy that lap dance from the ugliest chick

  • I'm the HORSE champion winning two prizes paid by Rich, Mike and Brent

  • Eileen and Melissa, thanks for all the wonderful gifts, you are the best sisters

  • Jay and Dave, thanks for the gifts

  • Thanks mom and dad, I owe you my life

  • I'm glad I did not invite a lot of people. It was one of my more enjoyable birthdays in a long time

Life goes on. Good luck in the new year.

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