Sunday, December 15, 2002

If my zits could talk...

then they could think, then they can solve problems, then they can probably study and write my exams for me. Enough about my first break out in over a year.

Geoff, Glen, Breanne and I performed at the Granite Country Club. At first, they didn't let Breanne and Glen in the building because of the way they were dressed. What an eery start. After they knew we were the performers, it was ok. This place was nice. Once you walked through the door you knew you were in a place where people talk about their cars and furniture made out of money.

We set up and began to practice. This was our first practice with Breanne, but she caught up easily. If you don't know Breanne, she was in Rising Star in the Solo Vocal Category. I haven't seen her since (Geoff and Glen have), and we quickly remembered how good she was.

This was a kids Christmas show. Lots of parents, lots of kids, lots of clowns. We being the only teenagers and early 20s people there, we were looked at funny. The men there also kept staring at Breanne...these rich dudes want everything.

Our performance was cool, some mess ups and miscues by everyone, but it's ok. No judges. After the performance, we had a little training session with the kids where they learned some moves. There were so many of them, it was hard to teach the all, but had fun. We also learned that Ketchup dance. Yeah.

Ok, back to studying. One more exam, one more project.

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