Saturday, January 17, 2004

I heard this story before

Last night, went to dinner for Lam man's bday. Patty Roh, Dave, Hanna, Joseph mcintyre Wong, and Catatonic were there. Lawerence seems like he had a good time in Cali. All night we talked about random stuff.

Last night, I tried explaining to Dy how dinner was. I couldn't think of specifics, but I remember a few things now. I had to sleep on it.

PAT: family said he has a fat ass
DAVE: got paid more on his co-op job due to HR error
ANNA: the grad photo she's picking is the one where she's sticking her tongue out
JO: he gets 8% vacation pay!
Lawrence: there was chocolate fondue!!! at his work's christmas party
CAT: She accidentally swallowed a fake tongue ring and waited for it to come out.

As you can see, some of the above statements are not totally true. I'll let you decide which ones are truthful.


So I was explaining a story to them last night, and I got the sense that they heard the story already. Duh I posted it on my website.

It made me think what the heck I post here. Maybe too much, maybe too random. Jeff Wong said it best
Ray Mendoza's Personal Home Page -
Up-to-date blog. In true blog fashion, it is completely random; Ray has spoken about everything from waking up in the morning, to his girlfriend, to looking like a turtle. Check it out for video clips of his hip hop group 5th Element.

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