Saturday, January 31, 2004


It went well.

PJ(fat dude from 360) and another fat dude volunteered to give out prizes from the sponsors. It's hard to explain. I'll track down the video and post it.

===LOLIGHT of the NIGHT:
Waiting for the show to start. I haven't been that bored in a while.

===HILIGHT of the LOLIGHT of the NIGHT:
Playing Rock, Paper, Scissiors to the music with Geoff. Although I lost like 10 times in a row, it killed some time.

===2 INTERESTING NOTES about our performance
1. 5th Element had 2, count em 2 practices for this show.
2. VYBE's choreography is straight nasty.

===Number 2
Glen took the only stall in "The Real Jerk" restaurant. So I took the employee one. Shh No one knows.

===Favourite act other than ours and the 2 fat dudes
Mikey Bustos

===After the party it's the after party
T-Bones: met up with the Teo Birthday crew. They all went snowboarding for Teo's day. Apparently, Dy is better than I was. We'll see about that =)

===Misc notes
Packed crowd and they were feeling us. Glen was a little scared because Ground Illusions ( Krazy Bonez and the other dude ) performed before us. They are well known, and Glen thought they would steal the show. It didn't turn out that way.

Because 5th Element practice twice, there are parts where we are a bit messy, but we portrayed the effect that we wanted to.

Yoma is a new dancer in VYBE from Japan. He is dope. Like certified.

When I post the video, you'll realize.

Like last year, Geoff ran a marathon. 11 minutes. That has to be some kind of record.

Speaking of records, 2 practices must be a record for us (Considering shows that are relatively big)

===Video will be posted soon. I mean it this time.

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