Monday, May 31, 2004
kinkos renovation
Here are some renovation pictures from the Kinkos in the University Plaza in Waterloo. Now it's really open 24 hours a day.

kinkos renovation
Here are some renovation pictures from the Kinkos in the University Plaza in Waterloo. Now it's really open 24 hours a day.

Sunday, May 30, 2004
away from the computer
It was my first Memorial Day in the states and I spent most of it away from the computer...
i'll update you on it tomorrow if that's ok with you.
Re: help!
That's a funny picture. I forgot about that one...with my sandals on and snow in the background...
i'll update you on it tomorrow if that's ok with you.
Re: help!
That's a funny picture. I forgot about that one...with my sandals on and snow in the background...
away from the computer
It was my first Memorial Day in the states and I spent most of it away from the computer...
i'll update you on it tomorrow if that's ok with you.
Re: help!
That's a funny picture. I forgot about that one...with my sandals on and snow in the background...
i'll update you on it tomorrow if that's ok with you.
Re: help!
That's a funny picture. I forgot about that one...with my sandals on and snow in the background...
Saturday, May 29, 2004
"Are You A Real Friend" was not intended for anyone. It was a unfinish poem. Again, sorry for the confusion. We apologize.
you're getting all sorts of stuff on your site now...although i didn't read that sailormoon thing i'm sure it was interesting. hope you're having fun in the states.
Re: Are you a real friend?
Whom are you talking about? That's a comment out of left field...
I never thought sailormoon stuff would get on this site but it's all good. It's pretty cool.
1200 people showed up to the Jeff's funeral. That's astounding! I'm sure the Reodica family appreciate everyone's effort although they probably couldn't speak to everyone who went.
It's memorial day weekend here in the States so I'm chilling out with some family here....
Whom are you talking about? That's a comment out of left field...
I never thought sailormoon stuff would get on this site but it's all good. It's pretty cool.
1200 people showed up to the Jeff's funeral. That's astounding! I'm sure the Reodica family appreciate everyone's effort although they probably couldn't speak to everyone who went.
It's memorial day weekend here in the States so I'm chilling out with some family here....
Are You A Real Friend?
If you've ever found out people were saying things about you or a good friend of yours ? things that might not have been nice ? you know that sometimes rumors can hurt people pretty badly.
Friends don't say words like stupid, idiot, I hate you, shut up, jerk, etc. were demeaning because they showed disrespect towards another person.
Got It!!!? i can't believe you!
Friends don't say words like stupid, idiot, I hate you, shut up, jerk, etc. were demeaning because they showed disrespect towards another person.
Got It!!!? i can't believe you!
Story of Fiore
The senshi figure out that Fiore must be hiding out on the meteor. Artemis also tells the senshi that Fiore is being controlled by a Kisenian flower; a flower that thrives off of weak people. The senshi decide that the best idea is to go to teleport to the meteor and rescue Mamoru. Sailormoon yells in protest, "No!"
Venus: The only way to save Earth is to defeat the Kisenian!
Moon: No! You can't, guys...I don't want you guys in any more Mamo-chan.[begins to cry] It's all my fault...Mamo-chan ended up like that because he shielded me.
The other senshi give Sailormoon some confidence. Sailormars asks her to do it for Mamoru. Then, they gather in a circle. Chibiusa, Luna and Artemis watch as they perform Sailor Teleport. Brilliant lights engulf them, loose concrete rises into the air. Then they disappear, the lights stop, and the concrete falls back to the ground.
Once they land on the meteor, they have to face thousands of Fiore's flower youma. After a few minutes of battle, the youma form a giant wave out of themselves, and engulf the senshi. At the last moment, Sailormars shoves Sailormoon out of the way. She goes tumbling down a hill, and watches as the ground literally eats the senshi alive. Sailormoon's eyes are full of terror and disbelief. She runs up and tries to dig into the ground. "Don't die!" she says. Fiore accuses Sailormoon of leaving her friends to die while she saves herself. She gets ready to use the Moon Sceptre, but Fiore invokes a vine to rise up out of the ground, holding the senshi. Fiore tells Sailormoon that if she uses the Moon Sceptre, more harm will come to her friends. He tells her to drop the Sceptre. After a short hesitation, and the senshi telling her not to do it, she drops it. She tells the senshi she can't stand to see them in any more pain.
Suddenly, Fiore looks as though he becomes weak. A few of his youma fade away. He is becoming affected by the pureness of Usagi's heart. The Kisenian quickly reimbursts his energy. Meanwhile, Tuxedo Kamen manages to break out of a healing tank that Fiore had placed him in to heal his wounds. He rises and says, "Usako."
Fiore tells Sailormoon to die, then grabs her and begins sucking away her energy. He then lets go and she falls to the ground. Her eyes have a strange blue gradience to them, signifying she is close to dying. Before Fiore's final blow, the senshi scream out for Fiore to stop. He tells the senshi that no one could understand how lonely he was for so long. The senshi then have flashbacks of how lonely they were before they met Usagi. Sailormars says to Fiore, "You don't understand...if we hadn't met Usagi...we would all be alone." Fiore is momentarily struck by these words, but again the Kisenian takes over.
Just before Fiore makes his final strike to kill Sailormoon, a rose is struck into his chest. Fiore, in shock, looks down at it. Tuxedo Kamen threw the rose, halting Fiore. So utterly saddened by the fact that his only friend hurt him, Fiore begins to lose hope. He stumbles to the ground, and all of the flowers he was going to use to destroy Earth fade. The Kisenian asks Fiore what's wrong. "Mamoru-kun...threw a flower at me."
The Kisenian helps Fiore decide to redirect the meteor directly towards Earth, thus killing them all. Fiore tells them, "You'll burn up here, with me!" Suddenly, Sailormoon revives and sits up. She begins to invoke the ginzuishou. The other senshi scream, "Don't! If you use the ginzuishou, you'll die!!" Sailormoon turns and reassures them, "It's okay, I won't die. Let's go back to Earth together. Ok?"
Suddenly a hand reaches out and grabs the ginzuishou at Sailormoon's chest, squeezing hard. It is Fiore. Sailormoon's fuku begins to turn into bands of pink ribbons; Fiore's grasp on the ginzushou is causing her to lose her transformation as Sailormoon. She grunts in pain. Usagi then puts her hand on Fiore's, startling him. "What are you afraid of?" she asks. Fiore then begins to have a vision, of back in the hospital when Mamoru was a child.
[Little Mamoru is crying, then suddenly a small child appears before him.]
Little Mamoru: Who are you?
Little Usagi: Don't cry.
Little Mamoru: Soon, a dear friend is going away...but I can't do anything for him..
Little Usagi: Lessee..starting today, I'm going to be a big sister. My mom had a baby..and I brought this as a gift..[holding a bouquet] Here. [Holds up a rose] Congratulations.
Little Mamoru: Thank you....
Fiore then realizes that the rose Mamoru had given him was actually given to Mamoru by a young Usagi. So touched, Fiore is no longer in control of the Kisenian, so it disintegrates. Fiore then disappears. Usagi becomes Princess Serenity and prepares to use the ginzuishou. Tuxedo Kamen stands up and transforms into Prince Endymion, and lends her his strength. The senshi also lend their powers, and combined, the ginzushou gains enough power to change the meteor's course, just before the ginzuishou bursts and Serenity's eyes fade to black, and she falls backwards.
In the next scene, Serenity has transformed back into Sailormoon. She lays dead in Tuxedo Kamen's lap. Sailormars makes a futile attempt to wake her.
Mars: Usagi! Usagi! said you wouldn't die...
Mercury: There's no point if we are the only ones to survive..
Jupiter: your eyes, Usagi-chan!
Venus: We lost the thing most dear to us after all.
*Mamoru suddenly has a vision*
Fiore: Mamoru-kun.
Mamoru: Fiore..
Fiore: Thank and Sailormoon have saved me. Now, I will fulfill that promise. This is a flower of life. It contains the sum of all of my energy. Give the nectar
of this flower to Sailormoon.
Mamoru presses the petals of the flower to his lips. He then leans in and kisses the dead Sailormoon, transferring the nectar to her. Her transformation brooch is repaired and the ginzuishou regenerates. Her eyes slowly open.
"Are You A Real Friend" was not intended for anyone. It was a unfinish poem. Again, sorry for the confusion. We apologize.
you're getting all sorts of stuff on your site now...although i didn't read that sailormoon thing i'm sure it was interesting. hope you're having fun in the states.
Re: Are you a real friend?
Whom are you talking about? That's a comment out of left field...
I never thought sailormoon stuff would get on this site but it's all good. It's pretty cool.
1200 people showed up to the Jeff's funeral. That's astounding! I'm sure the Reodica family appreciate everyone's effort although they probably couldn't speak to everyone who went.
It's memorial day weekend here in the States so I'm chilling out with some family here....
Whom are you talking about? That's a comment out of left field...
I never thought sailormoon stuff would get on this site but it's all good. It's pretty cool.
1200 people showed up to the Jeff's funeral. That's astounding! I'm sure the Reodica family appreciate everyone's effort although they probably couldn't speak to everyone who went.
It's memorial day weekend here in the States so I'm chilling out with some family here....
Are You A Real Friend?
If you've ever found out people were saying things about you or a good friend of yours ? things that might not have been nice ? you know that sometimes rumors can hurt people pretty badly.
Friends don't say words like stupid, idiot, I hate you, shut up, jerk, etc. were demeaning because they showed disrespect towards another person.
Got It!!!? i can't believe you!
Friends don't say words like stupid, idiot, I hate you, shut up, jerk, etc. were demeaning because they showed disrespect towards another person.
Got It!!!? i can't believe you!
Story of Fiore
The senshi figure out that Fiore must be hiding out on the meteor. Artemis also tells the senshi that Fiore is being controlled by a Kisenian flower; a flower that thrives off of weak people. The senshi decide that the best idea is to go to teleport to the meteor and rescue Mamoru. Sailormoon yells in protest, "No!"
Venus: The only way to save Earth is to defeat the Kisenian!
Moon: No! You can't, guys...I don't want you guys in any more Mamo-chan.[begins to cry] It's all my fault...Mamo-chan ended up like that because he shielded me.
The other senshi give Sailormoon some confidence. Sailormars asks her to do it for Mamoru. Then, they gather in a circle. Chibiusa, Luna and Artemis watch as they perform Sailor Teleport. Brilliant lights engulf them, loose concrete rises into the air. Then they disappear, the lights stop, and the concrete falls back to the ground.
Once they land on the meteor, they have to face thousands of Fiore's flower youma. After a few minutes of battle, the youma form a giant wave out of themselves, and engulf the senshi. At the last moment, Sailormars shoves Sailormoon out of the way. She goes tumbling down a hill, and watches as the ground literally eats the senshi alive. Sailormoon's eyes are full of terror and disbelief. She runs up and tries to dig into the ground. "Don't die!" she says. Fiore accuses Sailormoon of leaving her friends to die while she saves herself. She gets ready to use the Moon Sceptre, but Fiore invokes a vine to rise up out of the ground, holding the senshi. Fiore tells Sailormoon that if she uses the Moon Sceptre, more harm will come to her friends. He tells her to drop the Sceptre. After a short hesitation, and the senshi telling her not to do it, she drops it. She tells the senshi she can't stand to see them in any more pain.
Suddenly, Fiore looks as though he becomes weak. A few of his youma fade away. He is becoming affected by the pureness of Usagi's heart. The Kisenian quickly reimbursts his energy. Meanwhile, Tuxedo Kamen manages to break out of a healing tank that Fiore had placed him in to heal his wounds. He rises and says, "Usako."
Fiore tells Sailormoon to die, then grabs her and begins sucking away her energy. He then lets go and she falls to the ground. Her eyes have a strange blue gradience to them, signifying she is close to dying. Before Fiore's final blow, the senshi scream out for Fiore to stop. He tells the senshi that no one could understand how lonely he was for so long. The senshi then have flashbacks of how lonely they were before they met Usagi. Sailormars says to Fiore, "You don't understand...if we hadn't met Usagi...we would all be alone." Fiore is momentarily struck by these words, but again the Kisenian takes over.
Just before Fiore makes his final strike to kill Sailormoon, a rose is struck into his chest. Fiore, in shock, looks down at it. Tuxedo Kamen threw the rose, halting Fiore. So utterly saddened by the fact that his only friend hurt him, Fiore begins to lose hope. He stumbles to the ground, and all of the flowers he was going to use to destroy Earth fade. The Kisenian asks Fiore what's wrong. "Mamoru-kun...threw a flower at me."
The Kisenian helps Fiore decide to redirect the meteor directly towards Earth, thus killing them all. Fiore tells them, "You'll burn up here, with me!" Suddenly, Sailormoon revives and sits up. She begins to invoke the ginzuishou. The other senshi scream, "Don't! If you use the ginzuishou, you'll die!!" Sailormoon turns and reassures them, "It's okay, I won't die. Let's go back to Earth together. Ok?"
Suddenly a hand reaches out and grabs the ginzuishou at Sailormoon's chest, squeezing hard. It is Fiore. Sailormoon's fuku begins to turn into bands of pink ribbons; Fiore's grasp on the ginzushou is causing her to lose her transformation as Sailormoon. She grunts in pain. Usagi then puts her hand on Fiore's, startling him. "What are you afraid of?" she asks. Fiore then begins to have a vision, of back in the hospital when Mamoru was a child.
[Little Mamoru is crying, then suddenly a small child appears before him.]
Little Mamoru: Who are you?
Little Usagi: Don't cry.
Little Mamoru: Soon, a dear friend is going away...but I can't do anything for him..
Little Usagi: Lessee..starting today, I'm going to be a big sister. My mom had a baby..and I brought this as a gift..[holding a bouquet] Here. [Holds up a rose] Congratulations.
Little Mamoru: Thank you....
Fiore then realizes that the rose Mamoru had given him was actually given to Mamoru by a young Usagi. So touched, Fiore is no longer in control of the Kisenian, so it disintegrates. Fiore then disappears. Usagi becomes Princess Serenity and prepares to use the ginzuishou. Tuxedo Kamen stands up and transforms into Prince Endymion, and lends her his strength. The senshi also lend their powers, and combined, the ginzushou gains enough power to change the meteor's course, just before the ginzuishou bursts and Serenity's eyes fade to black, and she falls backwards.
In the next scene, Serenity has transformed back into Sailormoon. She lays dead in Tuxedo Kamen's lap. Sailormars makes a futile attempt to wake her.
Mars: Usagi! Usagi! said you wouldn't die...
Mercury: There's no point if we are the only ones to survive..
Jupiter: your eyes, Usagi-chan!
Venus: We lost the thing most dear to us after all.
*Mamoru suddenly has a vision*
Fiore: Mamoru-kun.
Mamoru: Fiore..
Fiore: Thank and Sailormoon have saved me. Now, I will fulfill that promise. This is a flower of life. It contains the sum of all of my energy. Give the nectar
of this flower to Sailormoon.
Mamoru presses the petals of the flower to his lips. He then leans in and kisses the dead Sailormoon, transferring the nectar to her. Her transformation brooch is repaired and the ginzuishou regenerates. Her eyes slowly open.
Thursday, May 27, 2004
Wednesday, May 26, 2004
I've posted that journal entry about Jeff several times and each time I took it down.
It's all to respect the privacy of the Reodica family and I don't want to negatively affect any investigation.
If you are interested in what I wrote, you can contact me and I'll send it to you as appropriate. I've had a few requests already.
Thanks to everyone who has been supporting the family.
On another note, thanks to everyone else contributing to this site. It's a nice way to keep our spirits up. Please do not hesitate to contribute.
Sorry I don't know who Tony is. Perhaps someone else does?
It's all to respect the privacy of the Reodica family and I don't want to negatively affect any investigation.
If you are interested in what I wrote, you can contact me and I'll send it to you as appropriate. I've had a few requests already.
Thanks to everyone who has been supporting the family.
On another note, thanks to everyone else contributing to this site. It's a nice way to keep our spirits up. Please do not hesitate to contribute.
Sorry I don't know who Tony is. Perhaps someone else does?
Troy Montero
This is the coolest site ever! Thank you for giving me pics of brent javier it was fun! Can you give me Troy Montero pics in his Dickies Underwear Show, Thanks a lot Raymond! you're cute too really!
I'm too lazy to put a subject
condolences to the Reodica family, Jeffrey was taken too soon, but his memory will live on forever
I've posted that journal entry about Jeff several times and each time I took it down.
It's all to respect the privacy of the Reodica family and I don't want to negatively affect any investigation.
If you are interested in what I wrote, you can contact me and I'll send it to you as appropriate. I've had a few requests already.
Thanks to everyone who has been supporting the family.
On another note, thanks to everyone else contributing to this site. It's a nice way to keep our spirits up. Please do not hesitate to contribute.
Sorry I don't know who Tony is. Perhaps someone else does?
It's all to respect the privacy of the Reodica family and I don't want to negatively affect any investigation.
If you are interested in what I wrote, you can contact me and I'll send it to you as appropriate. I've had a few requests already.
Thanks to everyone who has been supporting the family.
On another note, thanks to everyone else contributing to this site. It's a nice way to keep our spirits up. Please do not hesitate to contribute.
Sorry I don't know who Tony is. Perhaps someone else does?
Troy Montero
This is the coolest site ever! Thank you for giving me pics of brent javier it was fun! Can you give me Troy Montero pics in his Dickies Underwear Show, Thanks a lot Raymond! you're cute too really!
I'm too lazy to put a subject
condolences to the Reodica family, Jeffrey was taken too soon, but his memory will live on forever
Tuesday, May 25, 2004
Globe and mail
The entry about Jeff was quoted by the Globe and Mail.
The article is written by Joe Friesen and he does not have any intentions to flip the story into some over-dramatized gang and racial battle.
Globe and mail
The entry about Jeff was quoted by the Globe and Mail.
The article is written by Joe Friesen and he does not have any intentions to flip the story into some over-dramatized gang and racial battle.
Sunday, May 23, 2004
Male Model Philippines
Male Model Philippines
Friday, May 21, 2004
Grade 9 Yearbook Quotes
Not sure if you ever knew this or not, but I made this website back in 2000:
WARNING: Fire up your popup blockers
WARNING: Fire up your popup blockers
Grade 9 Yearbook Quotes
Not sure if you ever knew this or not, but I made this website back in 2000:
WARNING: Fire up your popup blockers
WARNING: Fire up your popup blockers
Thursday, May 20, 2004
i feel like brushing my teeth
Wadup RAY!!!!
YEah man they cool... go pro tools! That Experience music Project that a digidesign event? or they just an exhibitor/sponsor/investor in it?
Oh and here for all your friends' - download free!

And duno if you've seen your emails but there's a higher bit rate MP3 and WMA for u on your server ray!
YEah man they cool... go pro tools! That Experience music Project that a digidesign event? or they just an exhibitor/sponsor/investor in it?
Oh and here for all your friends' - download free!
And duno if you've seen your emails but there's a higher bit rate MP3 and WMA for u on your server ray!
i feel like brushing my teeth
Wadup RAY!!!!
YEah man they cool... go pro tools! That Experience music Project that a digidesign event? or they just an exhibitor/sponsor/investor in it?
Oh and here for all your friends' - download free!

And duno if you've seen your emails but there's a higher bit rate MP3 and WMA for u on your server ray!
YEah man they cool... go pro tools! That Experience music Project that a digidesign event? or they just an exhibitor/sponsor/investor in it?
Oh and here for all your friends' - download free!
And duno if you've seen your emails but there's a higher bit rate MP3 and WMA for u on your server ray!
Wednesday, May 19, 2004
Hey I'll have those photos ready for you after the long weekend (Victoria Day Weekend - the Old Queen's birthday). After digging up those high school photos, now I have to sign up to take my University grad photos.
I got voted out of my housing tribe, so now I have to figure out housemates for next winter. Keep me in mind if u can plz.
The Space Needle might be the CN Tower's little Seattle sister. But Metronome is Experience Music Project's little Toronto brother.
I got voted out of my housing tribe, so now I have to figure out housemates for next winter. Keep me in mind if u can plz.
The Space Needle might be the CN Tower's little Seattle sister. But Metronome is Experience Music Project's little Toronto brother.
smallville season finale
I didn't see it yet, don't tell about it. I did order the second season on DVD from Amazon.
Perhaps I could be a seller for amazon. I could recommend purchases from this one would buy probably...we're all cheap asses
We've got TV..well sorta. We've got the old style tv with no remote and you only have 13 channels. Oddly enough, we have BET.
// Digidesign
Digidesign is company i have been following for many years now. They're technlogy astounds me. Whenever they have tours in my city I go to them. I went to one last night at the Experience Music Project. It's this crazy shaped building besides CN Tower's poor little brother Seattlites call the Space needle. It's a cool building and I will look more into it later...
I get lost everywhere I go. That's how we were when we're in Europe. Good thing Amazon gives us a free bus pass or I'd be very poor.
Perhaps I could be a seller for amazon. I could recommend purchases from this one would buy probably...we're all cheap asses
We've got TV..well sorta. We've got the old style tv with no remote and you only have 13 channels. Oddly enough, we have BET.
// Digidesign
Digidesign is company i have been following for many years now. They're technlogy astounds me. Whenever they have tours in my city I go to them. I went to one last night at the Experience Music Project. It's this crazy shaped building besides CN Tower's poor little brother Seattlites call the Space needle. It's a cool building and I will look more into it later...
I get lost everywhere I go. That's how we were when we're in Europe. Good thing Amazon gives us a free bus pass or I'd be very poor.
Hey I'll have those photos ready for you after the long weekend (Victoria Day Weekend - the Old Queen's birthday). After digging up those high school photos, now I have to sign up to take my University grad photos.
I got voted out of my housing tribe, so now I have to figure out housemates for next winter. Keep me in mind if u can plz.
The Space Needle might be the CN Tower's little Seattle sister. But Metronome is Experience Music Project's little Toronto brother.
I got voted out of my housing tribe, so now I have to figure out housemates for next winter. Keep me in mind if u can plz.
The Space Needle might be the CN Tower's little Seattle sister. But Metronome is Experience Music Project's little Toronto brother.
smallville season finale
I didn't see it yet, don't tell about it. I did order the second season on DVD from Amazon.
Perhaps I could be a seller for amazon. I could recommend purchases from this one would buy probably...we're all cheap asses
We've got TV..well sorta. We've got the old style tv with no remote and you only have 13 channels. Oddly enough, we have BET.
// Digidesign
Digidesign is company i have been following for many years now. They're technlogy astounds me. Whenever they have tours in my city I go to them. I went to one last night at the Experience Music Project. It's this crazy shaped building besides CN Tower's poor little brother Seattlites call the Space needle. It's a cool building and I will look more into it later...
I get lost everywhere I go. That's how we were when we're in Europe. Good thing Amazon gives us a free bus pass or I'd be very poor.
Perhaps I could be a seller for amazon. I could recommend purchases from this one would buy probably...we're all cheap asses
We've got TV..well sorta. We've got the old style tv with no remote and you only have 13 channels. Oddly enough, we have BET.
// Digidesign
Digidesign is company i have been following for many years now. They're technlogy astounds me. Whenever they have tours in my city I go to them. I went to one last night at the Experience Music Project. It's this crazy shaped building besides CN Tower's poor little brother Seattlites call the Space needle. It's a cool building and I will look more into it later...
I get lost everywhere I go. That's how we were when we're in Europe. Good thing Amazon gives us a free bus pass or I'd be very poor.
Tuesday, May 18, 2004
Office Space
I'm learning quite a bit at work. I spend a lot of time there and that's probably not so good.
I played ball for the first time since the fall. It's suitable to say I suck, but I can feel the hops and quicks coming back. We have a nice basketball court in front of my work. Only Amazonians are allowed to play. I'm not sure it makes for good competition yet.
Thanks Cat! We love ya too. I'm not sure you can get that least from the yearbook. Back in grade nine, we agreed to erase each other's picture in our yearbooks. We're both smiling in it. I was a dark knight since I spent most of the summer outside. My eyes were also half closed. Brent had fairly long hair parted to the side. We basically both looked like big dorks.
We didn't smile in any school pictures after that.
The OAC SMC Strikers was a good roster. Dy also mentions missing it...
I played ball for the first time since the fall. It's suitable to say I suck, but I can feel the hops and quicks coming back. We have a nice basketball court in front of my work. Only Amazonians are allowed to play. I'm not sure it makes for good competition yet.
Thanks Cat! We love ya too. I'm not sure you can get that least from the yearbook. Back in grade nine, we agreed to erase each other's picture in our yearbooks. We're both smiling in it. I was a dark knight since I spent most of the summer outside. My eyes were also half closed. Brent had fairly long hair parted to the side. We basically both looked like big dorks.
We didn't smile in any school pictures after that.
The OAC SMC Strikers was a good roster. Dy also mentions missing it...
Office Space
I'm learning quite a bit at work. I spend a lot of time there and that's probably not so good.
I played ball for the first time since the fall. It's suitable to say I suck, but I can feel the hops and quicks coming back. We have a nice basketball court in front of my work. Only Amazonians are allowed to play. I'm not sure it makes for good competition yet.
Thanks Cat! We love ya too. I'm not sure you can get that least from the yearbook. Back in grade nine, we agreed to erase each other's picture in our yearbooks. We're both smiling in it. I was a dark knight since I spent most of the summer outside. My eyes were also half closed. Brent had fairly long hair parted to the side. We basically both looked like big dorks.
We didn't smile in any school pictures after that.
The OAC SMC Strikers was a good roster. Dy also mentions missing it...
I played ball for the first time since the fall. It's suitable to say I suck, but I can feel the hops and quicks coming back. We have a nice basketball court in front of my work. Only Amazonians are allowed to play. I'm not sure it makes for good competition yet.
Thanks Cat! We love ya too. I'm not sure you can get that least from the yearbook. Back in grade nine, we agreed to erase each other's picture in our yearbooks. We're both smiling in it. I was a dark knight since I spent most of the summer outside. My eyes were also half closed. Brent had fairly long hair parted to the side. We basically both looked like big dorks.
We didn't smile in any school pictures after that.
The OAC SMC Strikers was a good roster. Dy also mentions missing it...
Monday, May 17, 2004
Saturday, May 15, 2004
i want the whole 5 amazon dollars
im sure esteena and i can dig up a grade nine pic of brent. i miss watching this one roster of the smc strikers (is that what you were called) in action. i remember that game against pope...that was absolutely nuts. hope all is well with you ray! i love ray&dy, cathy.
i want the whole 5 amazon dollars
im sure esteena and i can dig up a grade nine pic of brent. i miss watching this one roster of the smc strikers (is that what you were called) in action. i remember that game against pope...that was absolutely nuts. hope all is well with you ray! i love ray&dy, cathy.
Friday, May 14, 2004
Big "Q" about Brent:
Is he gay? He was rumored to this male model Tip Yap
? 411 on Brent: Brent what's the real deal, man?
Big "Q" about Brent:
Is he gay? He was rumored to this male model Tip Yap
? 411 on Brent: Brent what's the real deal, man?
Thursday, May 13, 2004
5 years 11 months
As of today, Dy and I have been together for 5 years and 11 months! That's no easy feat. For those who know me, they know that I'm not proud of much in my life, but I am very proud of this!
Love ya Dy!!!!Miss ya lots

// JRO
DJ J-Ro has his own directory on this site. Right now, it has the 5th Element mix tape err mix CD err mix Mp3. Go here to get it!
// Brent
Like I have always said, I do have some back in the day pics of brent. I'm not so sure he would like me posting them or sending them randomly. I'll chat with him later. As you know, I'm redesigning my site. I'll probably have a section for my special buddies who everyone happens to love.
Love ya Dy!!!!Miss ya lots
// JRO
DJ J-Ro has his own directory on this site. Right now, it has the 5th Element mix tape err mix CD err mix Mp3. Go here to get it!
// Brent
Like I have always said, I do have some back in the day pics of brent. I'm not so sure he would like me posting them or sending them randomly. I'll chat with him later. As you know, I'm redesigning my site. I'll probably have a section for my special buddies who everyone happens to love.
Hey there guys!
hey i'm just new here!!! anyways wazzup with this site!!! it's kinda unusual but it totally rocks!! anyways i just read some of your items well u guys love Brent a lot!!!! i just spotted him one time in Boracay with the bench group!!! ^_^ i dunno how wud i describe this site but i thinbk i wud stay with this!!! heeyy peepz it's me tnx
5 years 11 months
As of today, Dy and I have been together for 5 years and 11 months! That's no easy feat. For those who know me, they know that I'm not proud of much in my life, but I am very proud of this!
Love ya Dy!!!!Miss ya lots

// JRO
DJ J-Ro has his own directory on this site. Right now, it has the 5th Element mix tape err mix CD err mix Mp3. Go here to get it!
// Brent
Like I have always said, I do have some back in the day pics of brent. I'm not so sure he would like me posting them or sending them randomly. I'll chat with him later. As you know, I'm redesigning my site. I'll probably have a section for my special buddies who everyone happens to love.
Love ya Dy!!!!Miss ya lots
// JRO
DJ J-Ro has his own directory on this site. Right now, it has the 5th Element mix tape err mix CD err mix Mp3. Go here to get it!
// Brent
Like I have always said, I do have some back in the day pics of brent. I'm not so sure he would like me posting them or sending them randomly. I'll chat with him later. As you know, I'm redesigning my site. I'll probably have a section for my special buddies who everyone happens to love.
Hey there guys!
hey i'm just new here!!! anyways wazzup with this site!!! it's kinda unusual but it totally rocks!! anyways i just read some of your items well u guys love Brent a lot!!!! i just spotted him one time in Boracay with the bench group!!! ^_^ i dunno how wud i describe this site but i thinbk i wud stay with this!!! heeyy peepz it's me tnx
Wednesday, May 12, 2004
Tuesday, May 11, 2004
Monday, May 10, 2004
I don't have many pictures of JP. I'm sure i can dig some up, but I do have videos of him from back in the day when we used to document our summers...
It's the same with Brent. If someone can find Brent's grad nine year book picture, I'll give you five Amazon dollars. Lawrence, I know you can do it, give someone else a try.
L, if you have a chance, can you scan some of those pics and send it to me privately? I'm starting to collect everyone's grade nine pictures. I don't even have mine! So if you have one of yourself, post it here or email it to me.....
// Things that are new to me or things that haven't happened to me
* I saw a transvestite in Church. I never saw that before. I saw *her* in the grocery store after and she borrowed ten cents from me.
(Phone Rings)
* [Ray] Hello
* [Old lady] is this the doctor's office?
* [Ray] Sorry, you've got the wrong number
* [Old lady] Your phone number isn't xxx xxxx
(Ray thinks, that number isn't even close)
* [Ray] Nope, sorry about that
* [Old lady] oh ok bye
* (5 seconds later)
* (phone rings)
* [Ray] Hello?
* [Old lady] Dr. Frank?
* [Ray] Sorry, you've got the wrong number again
* [Old lady] Are you sure you are not a doctor?
* [Ray] I'm a computer scientist
* [Old lady] A what?
* [Ray] A gynecologist
* [Old lady] Oh so you don't know Dr. Frank?
* [Ray] Sorry miss..
* [Old lady] Oh ok bye.
How did she dial the wrong number twice?
It's the same with Brent. If someone can find Brent's grad nine year book picture, I'll give you five Amazon dollars. Lawrence, I know you can do it, give someone else a try.
L, if you have a chance, can you scan some of those pics and send it to me privately? I'm starting to collect everyone's grade nine pictures. I don't even have mine! So if you have one of yourself, post it here or email it to me.....
// Things that are new to me or things that haven't happened to me
* I saw a transvestite in Church. I never saw that before. I saw *her* in the grocery store after and she borrowed ten cents from me.
(Phone Rings)
* [Ray] Hello
* [Old lady] is this the doctor's office?
* [Ray] Sorry, you've got the wrong number
* [Old lady] Your phone number isn't xxx xxxx
(Ray thinks, that number isn't even close)
* [Ray] Nope, sorry about that
* [Old lady] oh ok bye
* (5 seconds later)
* (phone rings)
* [Ray] Hello?
* [Old lady] Dr. Frank?
* [Ray] Sorry, you've got the wrong number again
* [Old lady] Are you sure you are not a doctor?
* [Ray] I'm a computer scientist
* [Old lady] A what?
* [Ray] A gynecologist
* [Old lady] Oh so you don't know Dr. Frank?
* [Ray] Sorry miss..
* [Old lady] Oh ok bye.
How did she dial the wrong number twice?
oh... i see who JP be...
first it's Brent now it's JP...who's next??? you should really start charging for your "services" haha, but i'm sure you're just happy knowing that you can help a friend out
first it's Brent now it's JP...who's next??? you should really start charging for your "services" haha, but i'm sure you're just happy knowing that you can help a friend out
I don't have many pictures of JP. I'm sure i can dig some up, but I do have videos of him from back in the day when we used to document our summers...
It's the same with Brent. If someone can find Brent's grad nine year book picture, I'll give you five Amazon dollars. Lawrence, I know you can do it, give someone else a try.
L, if you have a chance, can you scan some of those pics and send it to me privately? I'm starting to collect everyone's grade nine pictures. I don't even have mine! So if you have one of yourself, post it here or email it to me.....
// Things that are new to me or things that haven't happened to me
* I saw a transvestite in Church. I never saw that before. I saw *her* in the grocery store after and she borrowed ten cents from me.
(Phone Rings)
* [Ray] Hello
* [Old lady] is this the doctor's office?
* [Ray] Sorry, you've got the wrong number
* [Old lady] Your phone number isn't xxx xxxx
(Ray thinks, that number isn't even close)
* [Ray] Nope, sorry about that
* [Old lady] oh ok bye
* (5 seconds later)
* (phone rings)
* [Ray] Hello?
* [Old lady] Dr. Frank?
* [Ray] Sorry, you've got the wrong number again
* [Old lady] Are you sure you are not a doctor?
* [Ray] I'm a computer scientist
* [Old lady] A what?
* [Ray] A gynecologist
* [Old lady] Oh so you don't know Dr. Frank?
* [Ray] Sorry miss..
* [Old lady] Oh ok bye.
How did she dial the wrong number twice?
It's the same with Brent. If someone can find Brent's grad nine year book picture, I'll give you five Amazon dollars. Lawrence, I know you can do it, give someone else a try.
L, if you have a chance, can you scan some of those pics and send it to me privately? I'm starting to collect everyone's grade nine pictures. I don't even have mine! So if you have one of yourself, post it here or email it to me.....
// Things that are new to me or things that haven't happened to me
* I saw a transvestite in Church. I never saw that before. I saw *her* in the grocery store after and she borrowed ten cents from me.
(Phone Rings)
* [Ray] Hello
* [Old lady] is this the doctor's office?
* [Ray] Sorry, you've got the wrong number
* [Old lady] Your phone number isn't xxx xxxx
(Ray thinks, that number isn't even close)
* [Ray] Nope, sorry about that
* [Old lady] oh ok bye
* (5 seconds later)
* (phone rings)
* [Ray] Hello?
* [Old lady] Dr. Frank?
* [Ray] Sorry, you've got the wrong number again
* [Old lady] Are you sure you are not a doctor?
* [Ray] I'm a computer scientist
* [Old lady] A what?
* [Ray] A gynecologist
* [Old lady] Oh so you don't know Dr. Frank?
* [Ray] Sorry miss..
* [Old lady] Oh ok bye.
How did she dial the wrong number twice?
oh... i see who JP be...
first it's Brent now it's JP...who's next??? you should really start charging for your "services" haha, but i'm sure you're just happy knowing that you can help a friend out
first it's Brent now it's JP...who's next??? you should really start charging for your "services" haha, but i'm sure you're just happy knowing that you can help a friend out
Sunday, May 9, 2004
some askin who i am hahahaha hmmmmmmmm well im the guy in the pictures hahaha ray's boy from way back and we still chillin hehe....hmm well "ladym" if u wanna holla i think u got my addy...ill be waiting=p.....always up for meetin new people so if ur chills...then im here=) outt...holla!...whoa ray ur site is a dating site too hahahahaha jokes bro...
JP is
JP is the only dude other than moi on with a picture on the left....
I have officially begun redesigning this site. This time, I'm doing it the right way (i guess).
I just set up my development servers, setup my source code management tools and servers and started some prototyping...This should be interesting...
I have officially begun redesigning this site. This time, I'm doing it the right way (i guess).
I just set up my development servers, setup my source code management tools and servers and started some prototyping...This should be interesting...
some askin who i am hahahaha hmmmmmmmm well im the guy in the pictures hahaha ray's boy from way back and we still chillin hehe....hmm well "ladym" if u wanna holla i think u got my addy...ill be waiting=p.....always up for meetin new people so if ur chills...then im here=) outt...holla!...whoa ray ur site is a dating site too hahahahaha jokes bro...
JP is
JP is the only dude other than moi on with a picture on the left....
I have officially begun redesigning this site. This time, I'm doing it the right way (i guess).
I just set up my development servers, setup my source code management tools and servers and started some prototyping...This should be interesting...
I have officially begun redesigning this site. This time, I'm doing it the right way (i guess).
I just set up my development servers, setup my source code management tools and servers and started some prototyping...This should be interesting...
Saturday, May 8, 2004
glad to hear all is good with you down there buddy!
feel bad... just finished our new mixed CD. I wanted to give you a copy!
But i guess i'll just upload a compressed version for you to listen to! OKAYYYY?
glad to hear all is good with you down there buddy!
feel bad... just finished our new mixed CD. I wanted to give you a copy!
But i guess i'll just upload a compressed version for you to listen to! OKAYYYY?
glad to hear all is good with you down there buddy!
feel bad... just finished our new mixed CD. I wanted to give you a copy!
But i guess i'll just upload a compressed version for you to listen to! OKAYYYY?
glad to hear all is good with you down there buddy!
feel bad... just finished our new mixed CD. I wanted to give you a copy!
But i guess i'll just upload a compressed version for you to listen to! OKAYYYY?
Friday, May 7, 2004
dating service
I don't mind you guys carrying on a conversation on the site. It could be a little reality show on my site.
Otherwise, LadyM can email me and I'll relay you JPs contact info...
Now that there's a possibility of contact are you guys intimidated?
Otherwise, LadyM can email me and I'll relay you JPs contact info...
Now that there's a possibility of contact are you guys intimidated?
one more thing....
whoa ray read ur message below....u think im cute hahahaha jokes=p anyways holla when ya can.....gimme some 411 =p....dont mean to make ur site a dating site hahaha jokes=p aight im out.....=)
dating service
I don't mind you guys carrying on a conversation on the site. It could be a little reality show on my site.
Otherwise, LadyM can email me and I'll relay you JPs contact info...
Now that there's a possibility of contact are you guys intimidated?
Otherwise, LadyM can email me and I'll relay you JPs contact info...
Now that there's a possibility of contact are you guys intimidated?
one more thing....
whoa ray read ur message below....u think im cute hahahaha jokes=p anyways holla when ya can.....gimme some 411 =p....dont mean to make ur site a dating site hahaha jokes=p aight im out.....=)
Thursday, May 6, 2004
waddup ray...hope seattle is treatin ya good, anyways u told me to check out ur site and here i am =p ya i got thos pictures from you thanks bro...hmmm i was readin the messages here hahaha very ummmm flattering =) anyways im single and im not seeing anyone just to answer someones questions here hehe......holla!
waddup ray...hope seattle is treatin ya good, anyways u told me to check out ur site and here i am =p ya i got thos pictures from you thanks bro...hmmm i was readin the messages here hahaha very ummmm flattering =) anyways im single and im not seeing anyone just to answer someones questions here hehe......holla!
Wednesday, May 5, 2004
eh yo
Yes Happy bday Czar! I don't have any pictures of her at my finger tips. People are joining the Jordan club very quickly.
Thanks L for the cute seattle spin off. Perhaps it's a spin off called "Everyone loathes Raymond".
Yeah JP is pretty cute ;) Is he seeing anyone? I'm not sure, but I'll let him know that you said that.
Another fan of my friends sent me another email. I don't even need to say his name....I forwarded him your msg.
//-- In Seattle
So far so good. This week is all about work. I'm getting accustomed to the environment. Everyone at Amazon except me knows Perl. Well I do now. I'm in the Media Technology group at Amazon. We work on things such as "Search Inside The Book" (SITB). SITB is the largest digital and searchable database of books in the world. It's pretty incredible. I'll be doing some projects with that. Other things my group does is work with Rich Media such as digital audio and video. It's basically our job to come up with cool ways to work with Media. I've gotta flex my creative muscles in the job. Amazon treats employees well. So far, I think I made the right choice.
Oh I love my digi...
I'll put more pics later..
Thanks L for the cute seattle spin off. Perhaps it's a spin off called "Everyone loathes Raymond".
Yeah JP is pretty cute ;) Is he seeing anyone? I'm not sure, but I'll let him know that you said that.
Another fan of my friends sent me another email. I don't even need to say his name....I forwarded him your msg.
//-- In Seattle
So far so good. This week is all about work. I'm getting accustomed to the environment. Everyone at Amazon except me knows Perl. Well I do now. I'm in the Media Technology group at Amazon. We work on things such as "Search Inside The Book" (SITB). SITB is the largest digital and searchable database of books in the world. It's pretty incredible. I'll be doing some projects with that. Other things my group does is work with Rich Media such as digital audio and video. It's basically our job to come up with cool ways to work with Media. I've gotta flex my creative muscles in the job. Amazon treats employees well. So far, I think I made the right choice.
Oh I love my digi...
I'll put more pics later..
Happy Birthday Czar!
huge HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Czarina de Guzman...
eh yo
Yes Happy bday Czar! I don't have any pictures of her at my finger tips. People are joining the Jordan club very quickly.
Thanks L for the cute seattle spin off. Perhaps it's a spin off called "Everyone loathes Raymond".
Yeah JP is pretty cute ;) Is he seeing anyone? I'm not sure, but I'll let him know that you said that.
Another fan of my friends sent me another email. I don't even need to say his name....I forwarded him your msg.
//-- In Seattle
So far so good. This week is all about work. I'm getting accustomed to the environment. Everyone at Amazon except me knows Perl. Well I do now. I'm in the Media Technology group at Amazon. We work on things such as "Search Inside The Book" (SITB). SITB is the largest digital and searchable database of books in the world. It's pretty incredible. I'll be doing some projects with that. Other things my group does is work with Rich Media such as digital audio and video. It's basically our job to come up with cool ways to work with Media. I've gotta flex my creative muscles in the job. Amazon treats employees well. So far, I think I made the right choice.
Oh I love my digi...
I'll put more pics later..
Thanks L for the cute seattle spin off. Perhaps it's a spin off called "Everyone loathes Raymond".
Yeah JP is pretty cute ;) Is he seeing anyone? I'm not sure, but I'll let him know that you said that.
Another fan of my friends sent me another email. I don't even need to say his name....I forwarded him your msg.
//-- In Seattle
So far so good. This week is all about work. I'm getting accustomed to the environment. Everyone at Amazon except me knows Perl. Well I do now. I'm in the Media Technology group at Amazon. We work on things such as "Search Inside The Book" (SITB). SITB is the largest digital and searchable database of books in the world. It's pretty incredible. I'll be doing some projects with that. Other things my group does is work with Rich Media such as digital audio and video. It's basically our job to come up with cool ways to work with Media. I've gotta flex my creative muscles in the job. Amazon treats employees well. So far, I think I made the right choice.
Oh I love my digi...
I'll put more pics later..
Happy Birthday Czar!
huge HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Czarina de Guzman...
Monday, May 3, 2004
Sunday, May 2, 2004
settled in seattle
i'm now pretty settled in Seattle.
I got my new digi. I'm very excited about it. As a bonus, it matches my MP3 player...They are a dead sexy couple.
My first pic with the cam is of myself. Perhaps that's not such a good idea since it was early in the morning and it was really early (and also it's another stupid pic of myself)

I've been in Seattle for 3 days now. I don't know how I would get along without family. My sisters drove me to Buffalo airport. My sisters do so much for me and it's easy to take them for granted.
My aunt and uncle picked me up in Seattle and really helped me get along. I couldn't have settled in without them.

They have a wonderful home. They have a golf course in the back yard and a nice home theatre.

Here's a view from my apartment. My work is right across the street!

Here's a few shots of my apartment

Here's a nice picture of Seattle. This is a view from just outside my apartment

My "cubicle" is actually a conference room. It's pretty damn big and it's all mine for now. I will eventually share it with another intern, but it's a lot of space. This does not justify it's size.
I guess it's good timing...

A night shot of my building. It's called PACMed. It used to be a hospital.

That's all for now. I'm tired. Sorry for the cheesy post....
Oh by the way. PJ? I dunno a PJ...
A crush on an imaginary person isn't too healthy ;) I'm just playing. I thought that person was ShunGee....
It's kind of interesting how these things develop..
I got my new digi. I'm very excited about it. As a bonus, it matches my MP3 player...They are a dead sexy couple.
My first pic with the cam is of myself. Perhaps that's not such a good idea since it was early in the morning and it was really early (and also it's another stupid pic of myself)
I've been in Seattle for 3 days now. I don't know how I would get along without family. My sisters drove me to Buffalo airport. My sisters do so much for me and it's easy to take them for granted.
My aunt and uncle picked me up in Seattle and really helped me get along. I couldn't have settled in without them.
They have a wonderful home. They have a golf course in the back yard and a nice home theatre.
Here's a view from my apartment. My work is right across the street!
Here's a few shots of my apartment
Here's a nice picture of Seattle. This is a view from just outside my apartment
My "cubicle" is actually a conference room. It's pretty damn big and it's all mine for now. I will eventually share it with another intern, but it's a lot of space. This does not justify it's size.
I guess it's good timing...
A night shot of my building. It's called PACMed. It used to be a hospital.
That's all for now. I'm tired. Sorry for the cheesy post....
Oh by the way. PJ? I dunno a PJ...
A crush on an imaginary person isn't too healthy ;) I'm just playing. I thought that person was ShunGee....
It's kind of interesting how these things develop..
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