Sunday, July 18, 2004

comin and goin

Dy left sad

We both had a great time here in Seattle together. So many pictures, so many stories...those will follow this week for sure.

I have lots to tell about how dy met seattle, but I have a quick unrelated story to tell.

I'm a goof. I met one of my favourite artists today and I didn't know what to say.

Tamyra Gray passed right by me downtown on Pike Street. I turned to my roommate and said "holy crap do you know who that is?"

"It's Tamyra Gray!"

"Who?" he replies....

So I approach her from behind. She's with her boyfriend, but there's a bum walking beside and with them. I find this odd, but I tap her on the shoulder nonetheless.

Yup it's her. I ask for a pic

But I'm so uptight I'm flexing my jaws really tight. I do not look happy...

Naturally I did not know what to say to her. I regret that...

I could have asked her on a date then show you the black eye from her 6 foot 4 boyfriend. The possibilities are endless.

I wonder if she'll be in Seattle for long? I wouldn't mind hanging out with a celebrity...

fat chance...

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