Sunday, July 11, 2004


I went to vancouver with Dy last weekend. Leah hooked up Four Seasons. Being a student, I don't get to taste luxury that often. What a treat. Even when I worked out in the gym, someone served me and another took pictures of me, but that's a different story.

We also went to Capilano. Pictures best describe that.

I screamed out loud when I read that post by Check. I'm very excited for you dude. You better make the finals because that's the only time I will be in Toronto!

Of course Brent is cuter than I am. That's why he's the model and I'm the Computer Scientist. Is there even such a thing as a cute Computer Scientist?

It is a silly request to add more Brent here. At first it was funny, now it's getting ridiculous. If you are "horny for brent" (see a post from a few weeks ago), setup a tent in front of his billboard. So please stop requesting brent here unless you have something genuinely unique to say.

I am in no way putting down his fans. I'm extremely happy for Brent. If you have valid news about him or even pictures, please feel free to post them. I'm interested in seeing how he's doing as well.

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