Better than my bathroom in Seattle...the tub drains properly!
The mini bar: too cheap to use it. Instead, just use the fridge for our own stuff.
Dy's in the chair in front of the window that looks over downtown vancouver.
The bedroom. When we got there, we were both massively cranky and hungry so we knocked out for a few hours...see pictures below.
Wow..the timer on my camera works! These are one of the few pictures of Dy and I together despite the fact we each have a digi.
Dy likes this picture. It looks like a cheesy ad for Dentyne ice or something.
Officially knocked out. Too bad I didn't take a picture with the chair on top of that pillow stack.
Rise and shine! Let's check out the city
Dy's in front of something. I have no idea what that is.
A museum we never went in.
It looks like fall, but it isn't
Nutin chillin at the four seasons. That doesn't fit in with the song.
Blink. It's night time!
Never a weekend without fireworks. There was a wedding in this convention center and they had the idea of having fireworks outside and inside the convention center!
A picture of both of us!
This is where we were. The Canada Place.
As we were leaving, Dy thought she heard Avril Lavigne singing. To our suprise, it was some Chinese chick directing traffic from the wedding to the busses. You had to be there.
Our next stop: Gastown. What weird name. This is a historic place.
The skinniest building in Canada or something.
Our next stop: Capilano bridge. This is one of Vancouver's most popular tourist sites. It hosts a massive suspension bridge with feats of Engineering even Knaked Knight would appreciate.
Here's the sucker. It wobbles a lot when you first get on there. The employees will yell over a P.A system if you are misbehaving. I was misbehaving.
About to go...
Thar she goes.
scurrred and holding on to ray.
Up there all by myself like the big boy I am.
Yes sir, walk right into my picture. I love the back of your head.
These girls were talking about their date last night. They're not playing their part.
Mini suspension bridge.
This is what I do most of the day.
"And this is a tree!"
OK it's time to head back to the states and be interrogated at the border...but first gelato! Gelato is awesome ice cream that we had in europe and now here!
Wow that was a ton of pictures...
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