Sunday, August 15, 2004


My parents will be visiting me in Seattle on Friday. They will stay here for a week until we all fly to LA to see some family.

After that, it's back to t-dot, then back to loo.

Hopefully I can catch Glen at the rising star finals ;)

"Dream" team got blown out yesterday. It's actually funny how they don't call them the dream team anymore. I think it's silly to think that the rest of the world has really caught up to the US. There are only four all-stars on the team, and not four starting all stars.

I have been working on this site, but it's my vacation and I've been taking it easy...except at work.

I played broomball today. It's's official company sport. Basically it's hockey with brooms as sticks and a big exercise ball as a puck. Also, it's played on grass. I'm not usually good at these sports so I have to rely on the little coordination and athleticsm I possess.

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