Saturday, September 4, 2004

i'm back

Hey everyone.

I'm back in Canada land and happy about it. We were ahead of schedule going to toronto so the pilot circled downtown toronto a bit. It's nice to be home. I miss my family in Seattle and Orange County, but it's nice to be home.

As planned, I went to CNE to watch Glen in the Rising Star finals. He didn't win the championship, but the guy in his category (solo dance) won it all. That was not the important part to me. Glen genuinely impressed me. I don't think I've ever seen him perform before. He was consistent with 5th Element's creativity except that he took it to another level. Geoff and I may be tough on you during practices for our performances, but we both concurred that you made us extremely proud. Glen, you are a champion. No fruity tap dancer will ever take that away.

The video will be coming out in the next few weeks. I didn't take many pictures during your performance, but Kuaz did. Here's one picture after his performance.

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