Sunday, September 12, 2004

moved in

With the help of my parents and Dy, I moved into my new place in Waterloo. Some people may look down at the fact that I get help moving in. I beg to differ. Teamwork is almost always better than roling solo.

It's an old place, but I did the best we did the best we could with my room and the rest of the house. There a few missing things in my room as the following pictures will detail.

This is what you see when you walk into my room. The bare wall on the left will soon be home to my arcade basketball net. Two desks corner the heater while a sparse bookshelf populates the far wall. You may also notice the numbered mats on the floor. I got these mats years ago. It sorta makes my room look like a play room.

Here you can see the flying Superman Dy brought me from the phillippines. Behind Superman is my wardrobe and 2 of my 4.1 speakers.

Here is my collection of posters which are not damaged from underuse. Yes I like Jordan and yes that's Shaq in an Orlando jersey.

There's franklin taking first dibs on my bed. Yes I like Superman and yes I'm back in that Superhero craze phase. I used to only where superhero clothes when I was a kid. It was either superman, spiderman, or batman on any given day.

Here's a slightly better view of my computer setup. For those of you know my hardware, you'll notice one monitor is MIA. I sent it from Seattle a couple weeks ago, but it hasn't arrived. Hopefully, it's just stuck in customs. I don't want to deal with a lost or stolen report.

On another note, one of things I've noticed about myself is that since I've been moving around a lot, I haven't been keeping in touch with all of my friends. I hope to change that.

I just want to give a massive happy birthday to my cousin Kevin. I stayed with his family during my stay in Orange County. Happy birthday man!

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