Sunday, September 5, 2004

ray vs.

I've faced many challenges during my trip in the states. The following are some descriptions of the battles I've faced:

Rayman vs. Spiderman

It's been a while since Spiderman 2. Spiderman was a bit out of shape and he added a fanny pack to his costume. I really did not like Spiderman 2 so I let the star know it. Defeating him was so easy that it yielded a yawn. He's proportionately as strong as a spider, but I'm proportionately as strong as Spiderman's body odour.

Rayman vs. Supergirl

After seeing me easily defeat Spiderman, Supergirl could not resist me. Like Spiderman, I was disappointed by Supergirl's physique. Further, her new prostitute-like costume turned me off. Regardless, I must show a bit of respect.

Rayman vs. Jaws

Jaws wasn't as friendly as Supergirl. After I tied him up, he wanted a taste of filipino flesh. I used my proportionate strength to keep his teeth from grinding me.

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