Wednesday, September 1, 2004

yes y'all

It's working out very well!

I wouldn't expect any less from you Check. I don't think I've gone to CNE in the past four years except for Rising Star.

Every year we step up a level. I'm excited to see where we get to next.

See you Saturday, then sunday!

These past two weeks have really been vacation. Too much eating though. I need a bit of exercise

Waterloo Guy, I'll list the places when I get back

You have 5.5 screen names.

Congrats also to L for joining Critical mass. They have some quality music and production.

I'm off to Univesal Studios today, then dinner at Ashton Kutcher's restaurant in Hollywood.

Last but not least, massive happy birthdays to:

My mom: Aug 31st
Carla: Sept 1
Aileen: Sept 2

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